Don’t let storm sink you
Don’t let storm sink you
When all ships are being built, they are done so with much love in their creation. The shipbuilder will take great care and skill known only to him, to assure the safety for the men and women who will eventually board them and cast off into the waters.
Those who have faith in the shipbuilder know well that after the launch, it is up to them from then on for safe passage through the weather that may be encountered. Some will pass through great storms that last many days and make it through, while others will flounder in a short-lived squall. The reasons why should be taken to heart by those who sail upon the waters as well as those who have never set foot on a boat.
First, you must have faith and trust in the vessel you have been blessed with. Next, you must trust in yourself and never lose hope, no matter how dire the situation is. Don’t let the “rough seas” you find yourself in beat you down, and cause you to lose your strength and stamina. And last, don’t forget you have others to help you, and you to help them. If you watch your brother fail and do not advise or lend a hand, you will ultimately fail as well.
Our world may seem to be in rough seas at the moment, but to give up and let your boat sink would be a great loss. For your making it through could be the example that others needed to keep their own ships afloat.
Steve Sudela